Thursday, June 24, 2010

feeling crappy

I picked up a nasty cold virus somewhere. I'd be more than willing to give it back if I knew who gave it to me. Got home from work last night and went directly to bed. For me to miss a meal you know it has to be something serious. Time to trudge through the day, cold or no. No work, no pay and that just won't work for me.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Speed bumps

One of my friends has a son in law in the Navy. They have been stationed a short three hour drive away but will be going to Hawaii. I do feel her heart break. I remember when my Air Force Daughter moved from the Florida panhandle (a 7 hour drive) to Oklahoma. I was quite sad that I could no longer jump in the car and see her over a weekend but I felt blessed to have had her in Florida for six years after three years in Italy. Oklahoma, while not paradise was not Iraq or Afghanistan. Now she'll be in Idaho, even farther away but again not Iraq or Afghanistan. I am horribly envious of my friends whose children and grandchildren live around the corner but I have gone places I would have never gone had I not had family there. I look forward to her retirement back in Florida. I also believe one should not wish their life away so much as I do look forward to the time when we'll be closer together I hope I make the most of all the time before that also.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Would you stop to listen?

One of my girlfriends sent me an email about a street musician playing the violin and what the response was of the passers by. The end result was that very few paused to hear him play. It was a social experiment. The violin was one of the most expensive in the world being played by one of the best violinists in the world and he was playing a very famous very beautiful piece of music. Music people paid very well to hear in a symphony hall. So would you stop to listen? Not only would you stop to listen, would you stop to see...what if the man on the corner speaking wasn't some "lunatic" but Jesus, would any of us pause long enough to hear the words and know they were worth slowing our steps for? We are in a constant state of hurry when in truth we have no idea we are hurrying to or what we have hurried right by.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

sore feet

My job is helping me with my exercise and weight loss program. I most of the day walking the halls, getting residents for activities and the rest walking from one end of Walmart Super Center to the other (and back) getting the ones that went shopping back to the van to go back home. I eat whatever the kitchen prepared for lunch then Special K for supper when I get home. So far it's working. Too bad my feet aren't appreciating all the walking. New sneakers helped but unfortunately not enough, maybe I can get a feet transplant (just kidding, surgery of any kind would not be my idea of fun).
