Friday, February 18, 2011

I have been looking forward to this move for months. Looking forward with excitement and anticipation and now that it's close I'm terrified. After the divorce I started over, new house, new job, new friends and now I'm going to do it all over again? Julian's neighbor said Julian was going to miss me but it would be OK because he's older now. Why am I not convinced when I've used the same argument with myself? Time to snap out of it and do what has to be done....oil change for the truck, clean out the bathroom cupboards, scrub cabinets and floors....the list seems endless. Having dinner tonight with a couple I've known since the day after I arrived in Florida. They were "our" friends and the only ones I've seen socially since. Awkward sometimes but some friends you keep awkward or not. I feel the same way about my inlaws as I did when they really were my inlaws. We will always be friends. I hope that their friendship isn't motivated by guilt, as if they were somehow responsible for what happened between their son and me. I tell myself if we had met under different circumstances we would have hit it off and been friends anyway.

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