Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bonsai Azalea

One of my friends gave me a small azalea bush after I bought my house. I had planted several over the years at my previous house and every single one of them died. I was told they loved the acidity of the soil around oak trees so that's where I planted them. Something I did was the kiss of death so I didn't have very high hopes for my newest victim. I took it out of it's little pot and planted it at the back corner where hopefully the Florida sun wouldn't give it heat stroke and watered it. A couple of years ago after a hard frost I thought it had died but to my surprise a tiny little bush came up from the roots. I've lived here five years and that little bush has survived pretty much without adding an inch to it's dimensions. It would be sad if not for the bravery it has shown. You'd think just surviving would be enough but each year without fail my little bonsai azalea blesses me with one to five blooms, each one a normal size, looking gigantic in comparison to the bush. What a lesson it's given me stunted as I might be from whatever adversity I may have encountered I have no excuse for not blooming just a big and bold as the next guy.

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