Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lucado vs Koontz

I've been beating myself up for being a bad Christian. I can sit down and read an entire Dean Koontz book in an afternoon and evening but can only do a chapter at a time of any of my Christian books. After thinking about it a while I think maybe it's not that I don't find Lucado or his like interesting or entertaining. I think maybe I find it too important to just rip through. By reading a chapter then putting it down I have time to absorb and consider what I've read. Koontz is just for fun and if I miss and inflection or don't completely mine the meaning what difference does it really make? I guess that's why I've always had a hard time reading more than little snatches of the Bible at a time. I might miss something I really need to know if I try to do too much too quickly. The above could be a total rationalization for what it basically a major character flaw but I hope not.

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