Sunday, November 25, 2012


Kids know the meaning of joy, joy is smiling with your whole face when you're wearing your sweatshirt instead of your parka and it decides to snow....a lot. What's to be joyful about? I'm not sure. I guess you'd have to ask him because he sure seems to be. What would it be like to wake up every morning joyful, not "with joy" but totally "full of joy". I want to live like that.
Joy has nothing to do with your circumstances and everything to do with your attitude. I know, you're thinking that your circumstances define your attitude but that's only true if you let them. What if you refuse to let the shortfall in your finances, the harsh word of a family member, the stupid driver in your way affect your thankfulness to be alive, your joy. What if you were so full of joy that you were carrying it around it buckets full to the brim, buckets so full that it is continually splashing out. Picture that, joy splashing out on everyone around you, on that ones foot, another ones shirt sleeve, hah, got that ones fancy bag and that ones pants. Splashing out on some who deserve a dose of joy and some who really don't. The joy lands on them whether they are receptive or not. It's like a virus, you infect them and want it or not they've got it, even if only for a moment or two. Joy comes from allowing Got to act within you to accomplish things way beyond your strength or ability.
I don't think an attitude of joy is nearly enough I want to be absolutely, over the brim, spilling out, full of joy, not just when things are going my way but all the time. So if you see me you better look out because otherwise my joy, the joy of the Lord is going to come raining down all over you.

Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” 


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