Tuesday, March 5, 2013


This is the counter in my bathroom. Full of stuff to make me look beautiful....well at least presentable.
When I was a kid my mom told me quite matter-of-factly that I wasn’t pretty but that I did have  a homey look, not homely but homey. I think she meant that I had a nice face, not ugly just not “cute” and for me not to set my sights too high and be hurt because I was never going to be a “princesses”.  I know more than once I’ve said things to my daughter regarding her looks that I should have just kept to myself. She, like me has trouble keeping her weight static and I’m sure is aware when the scale creeps upward. I do hope I gave her confidence in her beauty because she is beautiful.
Had my mom regularly said “you look beautiful” it wouldn’t have really mattered whether I was or not, whether the world considered me beautiful or not. I would have known that even if it wasn’t something obvious to be seen that I was at least inside, beautiful.
I called my daughter one day very upset because my mom had told me I shouldn’t ever wear jeans as “they aren’t very flattering on you”. I didn’t think I looked that bad in jeans and given the choice I live in them.  I asked my daughter “do I look terrible in jeans?” She just laughed and said “I don’t think so”. She also said “one of the reasons Mike married me was because he figured if I looked like my mom when I was your age it wouldn’t be bad”.  If I was as cool as my daughter, right now, that wouldn’t be too bad either.
So the thing is, you tell someone enough times that they are stupid or ugly or worthless and they will believe it and become just that. If you tell someone they are kind, beautiful, smart, they will at least try to be exactly that. My mom loves me. She wants me to have a good life filled with good things. Sometimes the things she says come not from her but from her past and I have come to understand that. I try not to take things the wrong way. I have the benefit of a group of the world’s best Godly women surrounding me and reminding me that I am and always have been a princess, a daughter of the King of Kings.

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